On energetic ties & cutting cords (From What I Can Tell- a healer’s observations)

From What I Can Tell, energetic ties appear as cords joining 2 people. They run between chakras, usually second chakra to second chakra, but sometimes heart to heart. They can be any colour but usually black or orange, like an extension cord. They can be thin as a thread or thick as a tree trunk, like one of those bundles of cables that run under oceans.

Ties (or cords) are created by shared experiences, a matter of reaching out to give and receive, often with love. They can be created with the purpose of gaining energy or control. Sometimes these “power cords” are disguised as loving.

It is best to cut ties even when the relationship is strong and good. There is always an element that is old, and the energy is unbalanced. This is much the same as wearing the same stones/crystals for long lengths of time. Your energy becomes used to them and adjusts for them thinking they are permanent, like compensating for a bum knee. Then your energy is off-balance when the crystals are removed or the ties are cut.

Even when cords are cut, new ones will continue to reach out and grow.

Cutting ties does not affect love. The love goes on without interruption. It is safe to cut ties with family members etc.

How I Know This:

I am often directed by peoples’ energy to cut ties. I see them energetically as described above. I cut the ties with a slicing hand motion or I use my sword. I slice the cords close to the client’s chakra.

Interestingly, the person who has lost ties with the client will often get in touch within a day “to see if you’re okay”. This person is likely noticing a lack of power if they are energy suckers or if they control the client in any way. They will send out more ties immediately. (Yeah, you have to keep cutting them. I have cut ties with my mother at least once/month for years. I cut the ties between my boss and I every day for a month after quitting a job.)

I have been directed to cut ties for:

– Myself, when a friendship ended abruptly. For the ties to be cut is less painful than feeling them slowly rip apart and tear… if you pull Band-aids off quickly, you already get the idea.

– A widower who still had thick tree trunk ties with his wife. His wife, Amy, had crossed a year earlier. He wanted to start a new relationship but felt stuck, unable to clean his wife’s things out of the house and move on. Amy came to me and asked me to cut their ties in order to help her husband with his paralysis and grief. Things started to move for him then- he had an affair with the woman who helped sort out his house.

– A young woman who had been abused by her father as a child. Cutting cords (many, old, tangled, thick) helped her to deal with the past. Giving her the power to cut the ties herself every time she had a nightmare, gave her real control over his energetic presence.

– A depressed empty-nester whose children had flown. Oh my, it broke her heart to cut the ties… but it didn’t change her love for them or the fact that they were gone… it only changed her level of pain. The sadness became easier to manage. (The band-aid thing.)

– A young child who was bullied at school. I taught him how to do it so he could cut ties every day. It gave him a sense of control; in fact, the bully became interested in torturing others instead.

– An older woman feeling harassed at work. Her co-worker watched for chances to correct and embarrass her at meetings, so that she became nervous about participating. By cutting ties, the client felt strong enough to speak up for herself at a crucial moment and the bullying waned.

– A client with a schizophrenic parent and a very complicated childhood. Mother’s manipulative energy was everywhere entwined in this woman and I cut everywhere to release her. I cut in circles all around her body and limbs, cut in front of each eye etc.

How to do it:

You don’t need a healer to cut ties for you. You don’t need to see the ties in order to cut them.

Take a moment to focus. When you think of this person, where do you feel it in your body? If you do feel something, remember to cut ties coming in at that point too (eg Your wrist aches when you think of your ex. You will cut ties at the wrist as well as the front of your body.)

Say loudly and clearly, and mean it:

“I am the only authority in charge of my Being. I cut all ties between my Self, ___________(full name) and __________(full name).”

Make a cutting/slicing motion with your hand across the front of your body, or use a stainless steel knife. Do this from your throat area right down to your pelvis in one sweeping motion.


“So be it and so it is.”

You may not know the full name. Identify the being in another way, eg. Karen, the volunteer.

Repeat as often as needed. If you are in the middle of a break-up, you might do that several times a day until you get some relief from emotion.

artist: Jac Reid

artist: Jac Reid

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